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The Cambridge German English Dictionary

Täter: The Perpetrator

The Cambridge German-English Dictionary

In the Cambridge German-English Dictionary, Täter is translated as "perpetrator" or "delinquent." The noun is strong, with the genitive form Täters and the plural form Täter. The feminine form is Täterin.

Reverso Dictionary

According to the Reverso dictionary, Täter translates to "perpetrator" in English. The translation also includes examples and definitions to help clarify the meaning.

LEO Dictionary

LEO's English-German dictionary provides a detailed translation of Täter, including noun-verb tables for different cases and tenses, links to audio, and more information in the Cambridge German-English Dictionary.

Babla Dictionary

Babla's German-English dictionary offers a translation of Täter as "perpetrator." The translation also includes examples, definitions, and conjugation information.
